A start job is running for raise network interfaces

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If a VM requires a fixed external IP address that does not change, you can obtain a static external IP address. You can reserve new external IP addresses or upgrade existing ephemeral external IP addresses.

Each interface can have both internal and external IP addresses. Forwarding rules can have external IP addresses for external load balancing or internal addresses for internal load balancing. For more information on static IP addresses, see External IP addresses.

Note: Network interfaces can receive traffic from various forwarding rules, which they can deliver to other external IP addresses. Any number of external IP addresses can reference a network interface through these forwarding rules, however, each network interface can have only one external IP address.

A static external IP address is an IP address that is reserved for your project until you decide to release it. If you have an IP address that your customers or users rely on in order to access your service, you can reserve it so that only your project can use it. You can also upgrade from an ephemeral external IP address to a static external IP address.

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Interface endpoints provide private connectivity to PrivateLink-powered services, whether they are AWS services, your own services or SaaS solutions, and support connectivity through Direct Connect. More SaaS and AWS solutions will be supported by these endpoints in the near future. Please refer to VPC pricing for pricing of interface type endpoint types.

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Unless otherwise specified, our pricing does not include applicable taxes and levies, such as VAT and any other sales taxes. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS services is subject to Japanese consumption tax. More information.

All data flowing across the AWS global network and interconnecting our data centers and regions is automatically encrypted at the physical layer before leaving our secured facilities. There are also additional layers of encryption. For example, all traffic on interconnections between VPC regions and Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections from the client or between services.

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The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a feature of the Windows operating system that allows you to run a Linux file system, along with Linux command-line tools and GUI applications, directly on Windows, alongside the traditional Windows desktop and applications.

It is primarily a tool for developers, especially web developers, those working on open source projects or deployed in Linux server environments. WSL is for anyone who wants to use Bash, common Linux tools (sed, awk, etc.) and Linux-first frameworks (Ruby, Python, etc.), but also enjoys using Windows productivity tools.

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WSL allows you to run Linux in a Bash shell with your choice of distribution (Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Kali, Alpine, etc.). With Bash, you can run Linux applications and tools from the command line. For example, type lsb_release -a and press Enter to see the details of the currently running Linux distribution:

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VirtualBox is an operating system virtualization software for x86/AMD64 architecture. Currently this software is developed by Oracle as part of its family of virtualization products, a very important detail, is that this software is multiplatform, this means that it is compatible with Windows operating systems, macOS and Linux based systems, in addition, it allows to virtualize operating systems such as Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and many more. This software is one of the most used by home users and students, since VMware Workstation is a paid product.

What we like most about this software is the ease of creating a new virtual machine, the configuration options available to us when creating and maintaining a VM created, and also all the possibilities at the network level that offers its profiles configured by default. Next, we are going to explain in detail all the network options and how they work internally. Having a virtual machine installed on the system is very interesting in certain situations. For example, you can run tests without the risk of affecting the main device and system. You will not have to worry about viruses entering the system or a misconfiguration that could jeopardize its operation. You will also be able to perform network tests, install applications and use it as if it were just another computer, with its limitations of course. Although there are many options for this, VirtualBox is undoubtedly one of the most interesting.

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